I am totally indebted to the face book philosophers for this post. The name of the game is "who stole my milk ?"

To begin with , you pick up a photo of a hungry looking child like the one on the left. I picked up the first image answering to the search 'hungry child'; Just avoid African and Whites as the game involves some serious 'India bashing'.
The next step is to find the villain who could have stolen the milk from the Child. If not stolen , you can always argue that 'so and so ' is so well off that it would be a sin if he /they do not provide milk to the Child.
The villain could be anyone who is involved in expending some milk. It could also be symbolically expressed by just show of wealth. A lot depends on who is your target. If you think the govt is to blame ... then show a Govt partying... Add a caption ,
they have laddoos to celebrate but no milk for a hungry child
In case you are anti-corporate , bring in Vijay Mallaya.
The banks have 9000 crores for Mallya and none for the hungry child
Peaceniks can always go after the Hawks crying for a higher defence budget. They can come up with “Cost of one Fighter aircraft can feed all the hungry children in the country !” Even The OROP bill for 8000 crores can be attacked !
Of course the easiest target is religion . Get a picture of an idol being offered milk ... or cash being counted at a religious place. Imagine, the amount of money people spend on God; If only this money is spent on the poor , there would be no child going to bed hungry. (It's a different matter , that had there been no temples, this money would most likely be used to make Vijay Mallya and the like richer)
You can even blame the farmers . There was a news report from Odisha about three weeks back, that the farmers emptied a milk tanker letting 14000 litres of milk flowing on to the street. No use crying over spilt milk; they were just protesting against a company not accepting the quality of milk they supplied. news report
The scope is tremendous; you can do IPL bashing or F-1 Race bashing if you don't like sports. With some imagination you can make even children feel guilty. How ? throw some statistics like "70% of the milk produce is used for making Ice Cream and Confectionery " So any ice cream eating or chocolate eating child is literally eating into the minimum protein requirement of a poor , hungry child; isn't it ? One photo does it all; depends on where you place it.