There is much talk,
or should we say, heated arguments, in the Social media about Aadhaar
card and how it impinges on privacy of citizens. By and large , the
elite are disturbed by loss of privacy while the vast majority of the
unwashed masses couldn't care less one way or the other, about the whole issue .

In my opinion, most
people who oppose Aadhar , simply want their income and expenditure
hidden from the Govt and general public unless they want to disclose
something. How else can you explain a person giving minute to minute
report of every meal and every event on every social media under a
name like 'cool_cat' or 'nameless' , and yet claiming to be “a very
private person” when it comes to getting Aadhaar Card issued?
When I first heard
about Aadhar Card and Nandan Nilekeni's Project , I could never have
imagined the opposition to the venture. Identity cards were already ubiquitous.
People in the corporate world , wear their cards proudly, with a fancy
ribbon, during entire period of working hours, if not 24 x 7. Then you have
Passport,Driving license, PAN Card,Voter ID and so on, none of which prompted
this kind of threat to privacy as Aadhaar does now.
As an army man, for
a long time I had had no card other than the Identity Card issued by the
army. It did not have address or phone number and it was not to be
photocopied or handed to anyone even temporarily. I had nothing by
way of proof of identity or proof of address for anything like
opening a bank account. Particularly in the south, it was so
difficult to explain that I had no documents at all like telephone
bill, electricity bill, Ration Card or Seshan card(Voter Identity
Card). Not that we had free electricity just that the electricity
charges were directly recovered by our paying authority at Pune,
based on reports sent by MES.(Military Engineer Service) , irrespective of where we were stationed.
So, how did we get
about in the civvies street ? we had a certificate made by the
Battalion about where we lived and worked. Since it had a heading
like “To Whomsoever it may concern”, It was generally referred to
by soldiers and sailors simply as “whomsoever”. It could be used
as “Ek whomsoever chahiye, bank account kholna hai” As for the
family members of a soldier, it was even more difficult to provide any kind of proof of their existence.
Coming back to the
time when the aadhar card was introduced, we were thrilled. We
trooped down to the designated place, where all faujis,serving and
retired gathered along with their families to put our thumb impressions.
When the card
finally materialized, it was a great day. Though the photo on the
card was anything but flattering, it was a card accepted in the civvies street. The magical 12 digits gave us an address proof and
identity proof. At last we had something other than “Whomsoever”.