Read the Printed Word!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Teaching about Computers

Did I say, in this blog that F1 is the greatest teacher ? Well I said that to my class as well. It took some days for me to realise that neither  F1 nor google was  the idea of help for 'normal' people, I mean IT-scared people who call themselves 'just being normal'.

help meant pressing a button and ... they hear a celestial  voice or the terrestrial voice of a friendly  guru (don't ask me to read anything , please)

help- What can I do for you?
user - Oh , my internet is not working..
help- what exactly is not working sir, (or madam, as the case may be)
user- I pressed the E (intenet explorer icon, friends) and i am not seeing the web page I want to see.
help- can you see the network icon on the system tray sir?
user - what network? what system tray ?
help- I mean the twin TVs at the bottom of your screen
user - yeah , why couldn't you speak clearly, now I see the TVs, but there is a red cross over it.
help- then you are not connected.  did you switch on the modem sir ?
user - modem ?? oh the box near the phone. ? where is the switch ?
help- behind that box sir..
user - no one told me there was a switch behind that box...........
help- sir, I'll switch it on for you... wait for 10-15 seconds sir, your page will be displayed..
user- yeah, now it's ok, I knew I could fix it.....

That's the kind of help people want... not some silly process ... read- understand-try it out -read again- and .. if it works, ok else, repeat from step 1.

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